Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Research Project

Getting started on my research has been a pretty good experience. I am a little nervous going into this project because I still don't know everything to expect. I have a great mentor who is very supportive and understanding. Luckily, he has worked with many undergraduate researchers in the past and has a lot of knowledge on what to expect from them.

So far I have looked over some more reading material to get a better grasp of what is being asked of me. Because zero forcing is a topic that I had no prior knowledge on, it is a little bit difficult to remember all the terms and all but I am figuring things out fairly quickly. I am excited to get half of my project done as I am already very close to finishing one portion.

Basically, for mathematics research, in order to come up with a result you have to prove what you are saying. So for my research I will be finding patterns in zero forcing for bipartite graphs. After I find the patterns I will then make a general statement about the graphs. After I make the general statement, I will prove my statement. Using inductive and deductive reasoning as I did in my presentation (solving the even and odd problem) I will create a formal proof and I will have a new result. Just explaining that part has probably been the easiest part of my research so far, including the proposal but anyway, I am still super excited and I know all of the other scholars will do great just like I expect to!

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